Real Estate Services & Strata Management Services
DSM’s business hours are Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. For emergencies only such as a burst water main or electrical fault please leave a telephone message with our 24/7 call center Operator at 08 6311 2864 speaking slowly stating your name, contact telephone number and nature of the emergency.
Office: (08) 6311 2864 Mobile: 0427 146 165

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Welcome to Property Alerts. Property Alerts takes the work out of searching for properties. Simply type in your email address plus the details of the property you are looking for and you will be emailed the appropriate property listings found in the Property Alerts Database.

You can choose to be emailed property listings every day, week or month.

Unregistering from Property Alerts is easy, you can do so at any time by logging into Property Alerts and deleting the request.

Please be aware that if you provide your Name and Phone Number you may be contacted by an Agent.